Upcoming Challenges

Looking for community and motivation? Join me in one of these challenges!


Book Club 2022

In 2022 I want to read 1 book each month, if reading more is one of your goals you can join me in a FREE Telegram Chat Group.

I’m building a book list, you can check it here to see if you like the one I’m going to read.


The Positivity Month

With everything that goes on every day, I think we all need some extra positivity in our lives.

This group is to have fun and make our days a little bit more happy.

It includes: a daily positivity activity, meditation, and a support group.

There is no date schedule for this program at the moment but if you are interested send me a request here.


Clean Week™

If you are not sure that you will commit for a 30-90 day program but want to try the system out, Clean Week™ is the perfect challenge for you!

Clean Week™ is a 7-day fitness and nutrition program designed to help you kick-start healthy habits that get real results and can lead to a lifestyle change that sticks.

Before you make it a lifestyle, make it a week!

Let me show you what changed my life!

There is no date schedule for this program at the moment but if you are interested send me a request here.


No Excuses workshop-Part 1

SELF-DISCIPLINE AND PERSONAL SUCCESS: In these seven weeks, you will learn how to release more and more of your personal potential by practicing self-discipline in every area of your personal life, including setting goals, building character, accepting responsibility, developing courage, and backing everything you do with persistence and determination. 

There is no date schedule for this program at the moment but if you are interested send me a request here.